Monday, September 12, 2011


Not sure if the title is spelled right, but the title in no way reflects the content of this post.  I'm just feeling a little goofy today. Throwing the word "updates" in the title only serves to attract people searching for ways to fix the latest Windows malfunctions.  This weeks post is of the boring but necessary see what has changed, oh look an update, kinda post.  Since boring is not my style, you will be rewarded with a surprise if you read it all.

A special thank you goes out to the AntNerd this week.  A few subtle but very important changes have been made to this blog, and the other blogs in the AntMill network.  We know that the Nerd has been very busy lately with other projects (check his blog in the tabs), so the changes came as a pleasant surprise.

Look up, check out the tabs.  Before, each blog and page had a slightly different layout or completely different tab set.  Now, all is unified into one seamless blog interface.  A few new banners have been made or updated to fancy flash ones.  Overall it makes for a very nice layout for the network.  Feel free to click away and discover all the features the network has in a more seamless and easy to navigate format.

Just because this post would otherwise be boring; update and throw up posts usually piss me off, I have added a few photos.  I would be curious to see if anyone can come up with captions for them.  Add your submission in the comments and reference pic#1 or pic#2 as seen in order.  Some old, but strange and interesting pics to say the least.   Enjoy!

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