It has finally snowed and turned the fair Wisconsin landscape into its familiar winter white. Despite a number of people falling through the ice this year on the lakes, it really has been an uneventful winter season. Now that we have snow in a respectful amount to use for stuff, winter sports can now begin. For some that means putting the bike in the garage to hibernate until spring, and even with the extended riding season this year with the warmer start to winter, that is just not good enough for those that like to pedal as much as they can.
To get this right, many think that because the word bicycle means 2 wheels limits them to just that then no, your wrong. Trikes, and unicycles are lumped into the "cycling" umbrella, as are most things that require you to pedal for power. Sure that is a lot of generalization, and many will argue and split hairs, but it is what it is.
All of that babble had a point (despite the rarity that I ever have a point), and that was to introduce some concepts both new and old to get cyclists out in the winter. Not just screwing metal studs into tires, oh no, this is winter cycling taken to the extreme.
First comes from an old article depicting a toboggan cycle. I remember having a plastic version of this when I was a kid, so the idea did not die with this picture. It was fun, but in truth, the sled my friend had was like sitting on an ice rocket. While the concept has merit for being functional, it isn't an optimized method for shooting down a big hill, and since it cant be powered with anything more than gravity, not my top pick.
Second, is actually several types of the same concept. A bike with a ski or ice blade at the front, and a spiked tire, or tread at the back. The design dates back almost as far back as the first designs of the bicycle.
Notice the date on the above picture? 1885. That says that mankind has been trying to ride bikes through winter since nearly the dawn of being able to ride bikes at all. Sadly, not much has improved since the original designs with the exception of materials, and styling. The schematics below show multiple variations of the designs.

So far most of these are complete bikes that are winter bikes only. Of course with some creative inner-tube placement they may work behind a boat, but do so at your own risk. There is however a way to convert your old bike, or your regular ride into a snow and ice friendly beast of winter. Since I have not tested one personally, I cannot vouch for how well it works. All you do is swap your wheels for the ski and track unit, and presto, ice bike. The Ktrak kit isn't hard to find, just do a Google search and you can find some interesting videos and shopping options. The idea has stood the test of time for sure, with modern materials catching up to make the designs more usable this may be a concept that makes the turn from oddity to at least one kook in every town.
For Friday the 13th im playing it safe and not giving a rating but rather sticking to generic approval. Maybe after midnight when I emerge from my underground bunker I will throw caution to the wind and make a slightly critical comment at this post. Otherwise..Happy Friday!
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