Friday, April 27, 2012

W.A.C.K.E.D.-Get a Grip

The saying "it is the simple things that make us happy" is true.  No one can argue otherwise, nor would want to.  It is our nature to take the complex and boil it into the most easily tangible thing our psyche can digest.  Relationships represented by things like rings, a pocket knife, a watch, or a picture.  It isn't always the thing as it is the memory it links us to.  We extend this into many realms of our lives by the things we choose to buy and use.  Things that may have no direct link to people in our lives as much as other things that are bound to our memories.  Some part from our first car, a certain t-shirt, a pair of shoes.  Of course, inherent in all this is how things, memories and relationships are all woven together in a very complex fabric that can only be kept in fragments over time.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

W.A.C.K.E.D.-An Idea With Balls

As this blog has mentioned before, bicycle technology has not changed much in the last 100+ years.  Other than styling, or materials like alloys and carbon fiber, bicycles have proven little need to evolve much further. It is hard to perfect something that is nearly perfect already.  It is however, small advances or completely different approaches to the status quo that have brought us things like hydraulic brakes, electronic transmissions, and now completely gear-less drive trains.  

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Sometimes innovation comes from combining simple things.  Revisiting old ideas in different ways, new forms, with new materials.  The cycling world lends to many innovations in areas not related to cycling other than the use of similar components.  Wheelchairs, walkers, super stealth jets, and magic bagpipes are examples of such miracles of bicycle evolution.  Bikes are a large part of the inspiration for design, and even art... like these.

Friday, March 23, 2012

W.A.C.K.E.D. Butterfly Effect

It never fails, this world of ours is always finding new ways to shock and surprise me.  Just when I think that the craziest or most unlikely things have been spent from the purse of possibilities, it reloads with a vengeance. Cycling has had more than its fair share of nutty, odd, strange, and plain ridiculous ideas to counter every good idea.  So why did this one surprise me.  To say the least it gives wings to designers to keep thinking of more... but more of what.

Friday, March 16, 2012

W.A.C.K.E.D. Pinned to an Idea


As of late the momentum of social sharing has shifted.  The multitude of sharing sites, tools, and software over the years is staggering.  Many failures, and numerous social divisions have formed keeping sharing to cliques depending on the community or venue an individual chooses to jump on and share with.  The sharing dynamic has now reached a new level though, and it is Pinteresting to see...
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