Today I pedaled around on my new acquisition, A Schwinn World Tourist. Last year my daughter and I stopped at a rummage sale, and a dark red World Tourist was for sale for 75.00. Lacking the cash on my person and unsure if it was the style I would like; we had to pass it up. I regretted it since. Last week, on the way to the bike shop, we passed the same road that held the rummage sale. Having revisited this road before for other rummage sales in the hopes of it being the same house and then being someone else, I had my doubts. So we ventured in again. Sure enough it was the right one, and there sat the bike, for 50 this time. I offered 40, and they accepted, we loaded up and returned to our journey to the bike shop.

This is a mid 80’s World Tourist. Lugged chromoly frame, aluminum three piece crank set, 10 speed friction shift with the thumb shifters. It has a wide cruiser style handlebar and had the original buttoned vinyl seat (messinger style). I switched it for a heavier cushion spring saddle, mostly due to the fact that I’m rough on seats and wanted to keep it in good shape, and I also wanted a bike with a relaxed ride seat rather than my varsity’s narrow road seat. The rims are the Schwinn steel rims, which I prefer to the lightweights for durability. I’m not much for running light ever since I’ve had to pack for my kids to come along when they were little. That consisted of a trailer with backpacks strung on the back for diaper bags, extra cuppies, snacks, water, toys, and God knows what else could be crammed in there. Three kids in the trailer and one on a child seat behind me. Once they were able to ride on their own, I hauled their water, and snacks. Lightweight is a foreign concept so why switch now. The Old Schwinn’s are my preferred ride mainly because of that tank-like durability. My first bike for our family tours actually bent the rear rim from the weight in the trailer.

Anyway the Tourist is a nice set up. It rides and shifts really smooth. The narrow 27 inch tires offer little shock absorption, but the seat, and grips have enough sponge to soak it up. For long level rides this will be my top choice from now on. If there are a lot of hills, or if time is an issue, the varsity will run the top, but it’s nice to have a choice. It is also a great slow cruise ride.
I’m debating what set-up to put on it for bags or racks. The current rack on the back will suffice for short day runs, but if it goes for a longer ride, I may want something more substantial. To be determined I suppose.

So today I decided to give it a full morning ride with my own Iron Man unathelon. No swimming, no running, just a bike ride. It was an iron man ride though since I was wearing my iron man t-shirt. That counts as close enough for me since I do not swim much, and run like a sissy.
A nice easy morning ride on a new to me bike. One cannot ask for better. The weather was cool but sunny, and traffic was nearly non-existent. A few fishermen by the creek trying their luck, and some pond scum (see pictures) were all that was on the pond. The bugs even behaved and stayed off me.
I did see another area cyclist, but she was behind the wheel of her car this time, and chanced a wave as she passed.
No project pics for this one since I just switched the seat and waxed the frame. The derailleur needed just a little cleaning and some lube for the chain. A great find and excellent deal, now I need to hunt down the set of suburban’s from that other garage sale that I missed out on. Fingers crossed…